A 1-1 reading of your astrological natal chart is a potent tool of soul-centered self understanding. Just as the moon affects the tides, the placement of the planets at the moment you were born bathed you in energies that manifest throughout this life, gifting you your strengths, your challenges, your wounds, your talents and ultimately your purpose in this lifetime.

My readings tend to focus on your evolutionary path and opportunities for healing and growth in this life. We will begin with a grounding ritual to connect our energies. The reading will contain a healthy balance of study of your unique chart and its aspects, and intuitive, psychic guidance.

When booking your reading, you’ll have a chance to select from the following offerings:

  • This is a perfect introductory reading, where we’ll look at the so-called “big three” placements and your ruling planet to understand your internal and external self.

  • We’ll focus on not only your big three, but the placements and aspects of all planets, luminaries, nodes and some asteroids. This will give you a wider view of your purpose this lifetime and an understanding of your unconscious behaviours and beliefs that keep you from embodying that purpose.

  • This is an ideal reading to get around the time of a birthday (great gift idea! 🎁), the new year, or major life change. We’ll look at the upcoming transits — the movement of the planets currently and how they relate to their placements at the time you were born — to help guide you in the coming year.

  • If you’re around the ages of 27-31, 56-60 or 84-90, you’re experiencing what’s known as the Saturn Return — Saturn is back at the place it was when you were born. Saturn is the taskmaster daddy of the zodiac, ushering you towards karmic growth. It may be a painful or turbulent time; this reading can help alleviate some of those feelings.

  • Depending on your natal chart, you may feel an eclipse cycle and season more than most. This reading helps you decipher the meaning of the current eclipse cycle so that you can understand your soul’s path and what this period is inviting you to step into.

    ⚠️ Available only around eclipse season, twice a year

*NOTE: Your birth date, time and location are needed for the most thorough reading.

Karen Olivia Kiely, astrologer, shows a natal astrological chart and discusses the basics of reading your astrology chart


"Karen helped me connect with my own wisdom for answers. She held a safe and gentle space for exploration." — Laura


"I was so fascinated how much the astrology reading resonated with me. Karen is so knowledgeable and is such a warm, lovely person it was like sitting down with an old friend." — Mairéad


"Karen was intuitive without pushing an agenda which allowed my chart to reveal itself. She is a great listener and has a lovely sense of humour. I will use her again when the time is right." — Stephanie


“Karen has such a gentle, nurturing and inviting energy to her. I felt as if I was wrapped in a blanket of love the entire session!" — Angela


"Karen helped me connect with my own wisdom for answers. She held a safe and gentle space for exploration." — Laura 🪐 "I was so fascinated how much the astrology reading resonated with me. Karen is so knowledgeable and is such a warm, lovely person it was like sitting down with an old friend." — Mairéad 🪐 "Karen was intuitive without pushing an agenda which allowed my chart to reveal itself. She is a great listener and has a lovely sense of humour. I will use her again when the time is right." — Stephanie 🪐 “Karen has such a gentle, nurturing and inviting energy to her. I felt as if I was wrapped in a blanket of love the entire session!" — Angela 🪐